Our company’s main activity is to provide steel and rubber tracked undercarriage parts in Hungary. We think it for very important to support our customers with quick access to spare parts, so we keep significant stock for steel and rubber track parts.
We provide also repair services of the undercarrieges at worksite by using our hydraulic press, etc.
Ketten Gép Ltd was founded as a family owned company in 1993 and now our premises are located at the industrial zone of Nagytarcsa close to the M0 beltway around Budapest.
We provide and deliver track groups, sealed and lubricated link assys, sprockets, segment groups, track and top rollers, idlers, track adjusters, final drives etc. to our customers.
We keep significant stock for rubber tracks with various sizes. We improve our services day by day and put big emphasis on widening the stock range of these products to support our customers.
Besides the provision of spare parts we also do the repair of the undercarriages at worksite. We provide quick solution in case of broken link assy, damaged rollers or idlers, worn sprockets, etc.
Ketten Gép Ltd.
7. Szilas street
2142, Nagytarcsa